Saturday, March 28, 2020

The Benefits of Getting a PhD in Chemistry

The Benefits of Getting a PhD in ChemistryFor those that are interested in getting a PhD in chemistry, there are many options available. Many universities offer PhD programs in chemistry and so do many schools of arts and science as well. Students can begin their PhD programs by completing an introductory course in chemistry and obtaining a solid foundation in the subject. Upon graduation, they will need to choose from several different options.There are many advantages to getting a PhD in chemistry. One of the most important factors is the desire to gain the knowledge necessary to start a career in a lab. Chemists are needed in all kinds of industries, including pharmaceuticals, materials processing, and many others. All chemists must have a great deal of scientific literacy to do well in the field. By obtaining a PhD in chemistry, students will be well-educated in their field.Students pursuing a PhD in chemistry often go on to teach or pursue other scientific careers. Some research institutes will require candidates to take a specific type of lab course, and so a PhD in chemistry is often required for the job. Being able to teach a class is important as well. At some schools, the courses are offered through the university. Other schools may have instructors that require the students to pay for lab supplies, and so students will need to have funds available to help them purchase supplies if they are taking classes at a school that requires them to do so.Having a PhD in chemistry gives you many opportunities to continue to advance in your career. This is especially true in today's economy. With unemployment at an all-time high, a PhD in chemistry is very valuable to those looking for employment in fields such as pharmaceuticals, materials processing, and biotechnology. A PhD can also help in research for an academic position. A doctorate degree is recognized across the country, and employers are sure to take advantage of this fact.If you are thinking about a Ph D, it is important to make sure that you are working with a university that offers this type of program. There are many universities in the United States, and many offer PhD programs in chemistry. You want to be sure that the school you are considering has adequate resources and qualified instructors to guide you through the program.As with all aspects of life, a PhD is more than just a college degree. Once you graduate from your program, you will need to be prepared to move forward with your research and to find a job that matches your skills and interests. For many students, it is important to choose a program that will provide both the theoretical and practical knowledge that they need to start a successful career in the sciences.Regardless of what type of PhD you decide to pursue, one thing that will be clear is that the most rewarding part of it all is the knowledge that you gain through your education. If you are interested in the sciences, it is important to understand the na ture of the research that you are doing. If you choose to pursue a PhD in chemistry, the benefits of your education will far outweigh the drawbacks.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Educational day out Exploris, Northern Ireland

Educational day out Exploris, Northern Ireland Did you know that you could go and see rescued seals close-up in Northern Ireland? Exploris (formerly the Northern Ireland Aquarium) plays home to lots of injured and abandoned seals and forms a base for them in which to be treated and recuperate. Part heart-rending, part inspiring, this little seal sanctuary is just one of the highlights of the aquarium, which is located in the conservation village of Portaferry. Portaferry sits on the shores of the Marine Nature reserve of Strangford Lough, which contains more than 70 per cent of all of the marine species in Northern Irish waters - making it the ideal place to see and learn about an amazing array of sea life. Take a tour of the discovery pools to observe rays, starfish and sea urchins close up - experienced guides will be able to tell you all about the creatures. The open sea tank holds an impressive 250 tonnes of sea water and is where you'll find lots of deep water creatures, from household favourites such as cod, turbot and halibut to more scary examples like sharks and conger eels. You can even watch as Exploris divers swim around the tanks feeding the sharks and congers! Depending on the time of year, you can also go on an accompanied shore walk where you'll get to see animals in their natural habitat along the coast. To find out more visit

How does an Abacus Work

How does an Abacus Work The abacus or counting frame is an ancient calculating tool. It origins can be traced back to the Sumerian civilization about 2500 BC. It was widespread use in ancient Egypt, Greece and Persia. Today it has been largely replaced by calculators. But in Asia and Africa it is  still widely used by merchants and traders. The abacus consists of two parts, one above the other. Each part has of columns of beads. The lower part usually holds five beads and the upper part of one or two beads. The main idea of the abacus is that tens contains ones, and the hundreds contain tens and so on. And if you have 10 ones you can just break down 1 bead in the column of tens.  It means, that in lower the column we have the ones place, in the second one we have tens, in the third hundreds, in the fourth thousands, in fifth tens thousands  and so on. To calculate with an abacus you first have to input a number.  To do so, break the number down into single digits. For example break 26 into 2 ten plus 6 units.  Move, from the tens column, a number of beads equal to the tens digit. In our example, this number is two. Similarly move, from the units column, a number of beads equal to the units digit. Notice that in this example that number is 6, and there are only five beads. To overcome this problem, move one bead up from the upper part of the abacus. That bead is equal to 5. Now just move 1 more beads from the lower part. Next, input  the second number. This depends on whether you are adding or subtracting.  If you are adding, divide the number into digits just like above and move up further beads in addition to those already up.  If you are subtracting, break down the number into digits exactly like above, but  bring down  beads from the ones already above. After inputting the second number correctly you have already completed the addition or subtraction. You only need to read out the number by counting  the number of beads in every column. This will give you the value of each digit. Of course if the value of any digit exceeds nine, subtract 10 from the value and add 1 to the digit at one larger place value. For example, if you get 2 in the hundreds position, 13 in the tens position, and 1 in the units position, subtract 10 from the 12 in the tens position and add 1 to the 2 in the hundreds position. This will give you a result of 331. Still confused? Check out this video to learn how to multiply and substract with an abacus. If you need in-person help to learn how an abacus works in particular or the math related to it we recommend to find an abacus-math tutor.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Reasons to Get Involved in Community College Campus Activities

Reasons to Get Involved in Community College Campus Activities Tips From an Orange County College Tutor: 4 reasons to get involved in community college campus activities Local community colleges do not offer student housing, so many students simply attend class and drive straight home. Although housing is found off campus, community colleges offer lots of on-campus activities where both full and part-time students can get involved and be a contributing member of their community. Whether students are part of a volunteer group that helps the community or join a specific club or organization involved with their intended major, getting to know people outside of the classroom environment can give students a sense of being part of the group and make their educational experience more positive. Clubs and organizations also offer students a valuable opportunity to network with peers and professors and prepare to be in a professional environment our private Orange County college tutoring will help you have a successful winter semester. 1. Networking One great reason to get involved on campus is to start networking for future career opportunities. Many students will transfer to a 4-year university while others might be looking for internships or starting work after achieving a 2-year degree. In the classroom, most students are focused on impending assignments and exams and dont have much time to network for their future career. Clubs and organizations can fill this gap and help students make connections that are valuable for their future. 2. Social opportunities Part of going to college is making social connections that can lead to long-lasting friendships, study partners, and acquaintances who enjoy the same activities. College students are in a unique period of life where the vast majority of people they know are only one or two years different in age and the experiences they share, both positive and negative, will be similar. Getting involved with on-campus activities allows students to connect with people who are going through the same things and making the same life decisions. 3. Academic clubs Another great reason to get involved is to join an academic club that leads to countless opportunities for students who have educational goals involving a lot of hard work and preparation. One of the best places to meet a study partner or form a study group is in an academic club where each student has the same goal. Additionally, making academic connections is a great way to get valuable information when it comes time to build an academic resume to apply to a 4-year university (READ: College Prep Students: Things To Do Before February). 4. Subject-specific organizations Community college students can also enjoy being part of a group that is specific to a subject they are interested in. If theyre planning to major in engineering, they might enjoy a robotics club, or if they are interested in sports and kinesiology, they might like being part of a run club or yoga group. Subject-specific clubs give students a chance to get to know peers who will be applying to similar programs at 4-year universities in the area. These clubs also keep a student involved with their future career field and help encourage them to stay on track academically so they can reach their goals. The beginning of the semester is the perfect time to book your private Orange County college tutor. Dont take a chance at falling behind in your courses. Call TutorNerds today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Teachers 1% Pay Cap - Tutor Hunt Blog

Teachers 1% Pay Cap Teachers to face another 1% pay cap Teachers to face another 1% pay capSchoolsIt has just been announced that teachers will have their pay capped to a 1% rise this year. Given that (as of April 2017) inflation stands at 2.6%, this of course amounts to a pay cut. Austerity certainly shows no signs of abating. This continues the seven year pay cap teachers, along with other public sector workers, have been forced to endure. Teresa May has been openly accused of insulting teachers with this announcement, which is a real-term pay cut for more than 500,000 teachers across England and Wales.The pay cap has been in place since 2010, when austerity measures were introduced. Initially the figure stood at 0%, but while the figure remains below that of inflation any increases will be unlikely to elicit widespread appreciation. The National Union of Teachers have criticised the announcement, saying that the attritional effect of austerity measures have led to teachers enduring a 13% pay cut over recent years. Kevin Courtney, the union`s leader said that the last 7 years have meant `austerity for some.` Teaching has never been classified as a lucrative profession - not in this country at least. It would be trite and jejune to say that in a better world this profession would provide more recompense for those who practice it. Perhaps, as a nation, we have never given the career of teaching the respect it deserves though. At the turn of the 20th century the great Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw wrote the famous lines `He who can, does; he who cannot, teaches.` A hugely successful advertising campaign at the turn of the millennium (a century after the condescending original was penned) used an altered, ablated form: `those who can, teach.` Other countries provide far more recompense for the noble profession of teaching. Data released by the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) last year shows that the starting salary in Luxembourg for a high school teacher with no experience is ; $73,000. This astonishing figure can rise quickly too, peaking at $131,000 for veteran teachers. Ten Best countries for teachers` Salaries Annual salary in thousands of USD Ten Worst countries for teachers` Salaries Annual salary in thousands of USD As the OECD data reveals, not only is there huge variance in the salaries of teachers across the world, there is also great disparity in their potential for increase over time. In Germany for example, the starting salary for a teacher is not much less than what they can expect at their end of their career - $46,000 is the initial figure, rising up to $60,000. In south Korea the contrast of pay between new teachers, and veterans, is far more pronounced. $22,000 is the entry level salary, which rises to $34,000 after ten years. After this the increases are regular, and peak at $62,000. In Luxembourg though, teachers can enjoy a wage right from the outset that exceeds the highest fee paid to teachers in other countries, whatever the stage of their career! Perhaps this fact should not be promulgated - already doctors and surgeons are defecting from this country, seeking careers in more salubrious climates. If our teachers learn about the glittering career prospects that are just a few hundred miles and a minor language barrier away, we may have some empty classrooms next September. 2 years ago0Add a Comment

Help For Algebra and Trigonometry

Help For Algebra and TrigonometryAlgebra and trigonometry are one of the most difficult subjects for a student to learn. In the early years of school, students would have taken some remedial algebra course. Or they could also opt for advanced courses in algebra and trigonometry. Algebra and trigonometry is a subject that the student has to master by themselves.The word 'algebra' is actually derived from the Latin word 'alguazius', which means 'a square'. While in the beginning of the term, the word 'algebra' was just a term used to describe the study of number and computation. It was later however, that the meaning of the word changed. So now, the subject is also called as numerical algebra. The two elements that make up this subject are pre-algebra.Pre-algebra is the foundation for all other subjects. It is the foundation that helps students in mastering algebra. Algebra is comprised of a number of easy to learn steps that students can follow to multiply, divide, add, subtract, mult iply, and divide. In fact, there are numerous steps that students need to master in order to master all other branches of math.Students that wish to excel in algebra and trigonometry also need to study trigonometry. This is a subject that has many facets. The subject begins with the division of numbers. There are four steps that make up the subject of trigonometry.The fifth step is to use hypotenuse. When multiplied by any number, the value of the original number will remain the same. The sixth step involves solving quadratic equations. On the seventh step, it also involves the solution of linear equations.After mastering trigonometry, students are able to use the two basic trigonometric functions of area and length. After that, students can use the formula for the area to compute lengths. The formulas for area and length are mostly done by using special formulas.Of course, algebra and trigonometry are two different subjects. But students who want to master them both can do so by us ing the step-by-step method. It is also better to consider a professional teacher for your algebra and trigonometry study.

What Is Tutoring Lessons?

What Is Tutoring Lessons?Tutoring lessons could be very useful for students who are struggling in a subject and need help and advice. These learning resources can give guidance for every level, from the beginning to the most advanced course. Different instructors have different ways of teaching students, which are becoming more popular nowadays. For many of them, they've recognized that their lessons help to learn and maintain the core concepts and help motivate students to keep up with learning.Getting ready for courses is crucial, especially when it's at the right level of success. The need for early preparation is important as it helps students not only learn but also prepare for the test or assignment that would come later. Tutoring lessons could be one of the best options for students who don't know the concepts and methods at a different pace.The lessons can be useful for all learning resources including books, CD's, the internet, and other resources. Teachers can choose the be st way to teach every student because of the different needs. Some teachers work with digital learning tools, some with basic texts, some with virtual classes and online videos, and others still only work with audio.There are many ways of teaching a student, but there is also an effective way of teaching. Learning with interactive lessons is a good choice for everyone. This way allows students to interact with the teacher and helps with remembering facts or strategies. Sometimes they can help a student remember the skills to do better.Students enrolled in college level courses should also be taught with multimedia content that helps with learning skills. Multimedia lessons will help students stay focused and also help in retention. A student who has been involved in a multimedia class can do well in a quiz, or even take a test if needed. Students who took a multimedia class won't find it difficult to find their way through a text book.In all course, different methods of teaching may be available to students. Some instructors choose to have electronic files, some CDs, others videos, others both. It's a good idea to learn what's right for your course before making a choice.It's a good idea to compare these materials so you can find what works best for your course. It's a good idea to have your own list of lessons you can use, but they can also be found at your local library.

How to Play Rockabilly Guitar 7 Easy Songs for Beginners

How to Play Rockabilly Guitar 7 Easy Songs for Beginners Megan L. Ready to learn about rock and rolls cousin from the south? If so, youre in the right place! In this article, music teacher Christopher S.  explores some of the most influential rockabilly songs of our time  and shows you how to play them on guitar The History of Rockabilly The rock  and roll style, dubbed rockabilly, is one of the earliest styles of rock and roll music. It dates back to the early 1950’s and comes from the good ol USA, especially from the south. Its a blend of sounds from Western musical styles  like country, sometimes bluegrass styles, and that of rhythm and blues. The  style’s name in itself comes from the combination of “rock” (from the 1950s) and  â€œhillbilly” music, a common term being used to describe country music of the 40s  and 50s. This style was very important for the development of rock and roll music, and it was the  basis and influence of many famous bands from the 60s, 70s, and 80s. It was a style which was, in a sense, a rite of passage to play if you wanted to  play rock and roll. The styles defining features include strong rhythms, vocal twangs, and often the use of tape echo. It also tends to have fast lyrics and distorted  guitars, which gives it a progressive feel, thus attractibg the ears of young  listeners. Notable Rockabilly Players The first major artists to be associated playing rockabilly music were  Bill Haley, Elvis Presley, Carl Perkins, Johnny Cash, Bob Luman, and Jerry Lee  Lewis. The style started a legacy of rock and roll which spawned a variety of sub-styles  and influencing styles such as punk rock. If you want to play rock  and  roll  the way famous guitarists such as Jimi Page, Jeff Beck, and Jimi Hendrix did, then you  have to learn, at minimum, the basics and some songs by the very first rock  and  rollers who  played rockabilly. Here are seven  rockabilly songs that are easy to learn and  will teach you how to play rockabilly guitar. 1) Hello Mary Lou by Ricky Nelson This song was recorded and released in 1961 in California. Although its  one of the later  and poppier songs in our timeline of rockabilly music, this song is  easy to play on the guitar and makes for a good intro to the musical style. Below is a guitar tab showing  how to play it. You’ll notice most of the song is played with  chords. You just have to get that good country guitar rhythm down, and then theres a short but sweet solo to learn. 2) Be-Bop-A-Lula by Gene Vincent and His Blue Caps This song is a classic and probably one of the slower tunes of the rockabilly  scene. It has a very swampy but typical singing style with country-influenced  twangy guitar sounds. Below is the chord chart for the song. The strumming is a very simple  down strum on the beat of a 4/4 rhythm. Its a very easy song to learn because of its  slow tempo. 3) Train Kept A-Rollin’ by Johnny Burnette and The Rock and Roll Trio This is a great song because it  really shows the rebellious side of the rockabilly sound  and its true roots as the precursor to rock and  roll. It begins with a rockin’ guitar  lick and strummed  chords with the rumbling sound and rhythm  of a train. This song was considered almost a rite of passage for bands to play  in the 70s and 80s. The well-known band The Yardbirds, with guitarists Jeff Beck  and Jimmy Page, also made this song well-known in the late 60s. The easy part about this song is that you can almost get away with playing  the chords by using only the top and the bottom string.  Below is the intro riff and the chord charts. 4) Whole Lotta Shakin’ Going On by Jerry Lee Lewis This is another great tune that was a hit in 1957. The song acutely has its compositional origins from a pianist and club owner named Dave “Curlee” Williams however, Lewis had been performing it and he released it on his recording session for Sun Records which made it hit the Billboard magazine charts. The chords are played with piano but there are guitar licks and chord figures strumming throughout.  Below are the tabs for the guitar parts. 5) Blue Suede Shoes by Carl Perkins This is a very well-known rockabilly song released in 1955, made infamous  by the one and only, Elvis Presley. It was released only a year after the Carl Perkins version. This song is very easy to play because its mostly stop and go chords. It has a driving bluesy rhythm, which is easy to strum. Below  are the chords to Elvis Presley’s version of the song. This would be a good version to learn because its the one that most people will recognize. 6) Ooby Dooby by Roy Orbison This is yet another classic, well-known tune by a classic artist. This song was released again by Sun Records. It has a swampy blues rhythm and sounds great at both slow and faster tempos. Roy was even known to perform this song at various tempos. The original has some great rockabilly licks that, if youre learning this style of guitar, theyre essential licks to learn! Below are the tabs for this song. 7) Twenty Flight Rock by Eddie Cochran This is a comical song which was actually released in the comedy film titled The Girl Can’t Help It in 1956. Its a song about a man who is complaining about seeing his girlfriend who lives on the 20th floor of an apartment build with no elevator. Its a very cool song and actually was the song that got Paul McCartney into the Beatles. McCartney retells the story of how, at the auditions to enter the Beatles, he played that song and John was so impressed that he actually knew all the words to Twenty Flight Rock that he got the spot. Either way its a great song to learn when learning the rockabilly genre. Below are the tabs for this one. So whether youre just starting to learn the guitar or youre already a skilled guitarist, I hope these songs will get you strumming and picking away at the rockabilly music that came from the 50s and 60s. Learn to play them all and you will see your rock playing improve tenfold! Let’s rock again now! Are there any other rockabilly songs youd like to learn how to play on guitar? Share us with them in the comments below and well help you out! Post Author:  Christopher S. Christopher S. teaches bass guitar, guitar, and composition in Jamaica Plain, MA. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Humboldt State University  and is currently attending New England Conservatory for his Master of Music degree. Christopher has been teaching students since 2004.  Learn more about Christopher S. here! Photo by Dena Flows Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. 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How to Survive the College Application Process Part Three - Varsity Tutors Blog

How to Survive the College Application Process Part Three - Varsity Tutors Blog So youve been working on your college applications diligently over the past couple of months. Now, with your senior year of high school truly underway, its time to finish strong! If youve been following Part One and Part Two of this series (its not too late; you can check them out now!), you may be wondering, what now? Read on for the final steps of surviving the college application process: 1. Take standardized tests and send the scores Take any standardized examssuch as the SAT, SAT Subject Tests, AP exams, or ACTthat youve registered for. When you do so, be sure you arrange for your score to be sent to the colleges to which youre applying. If youve already taken your exams, confirm that your scores are being sent to the colleges of your choice. Additionally, be sure that any exams that you can apply toward your degreesuch as AP or IB test scoresare also accordingly sent to your choice colleges. AP and IB scores can transfer in the form of credits or help you place out of some lower-level courses. This can help you save both tuition money and time when working toward your degree. [RELATED: What to Know About IB Exams] 2. Apply for scholarships Once youve found a bunch of scholarships that you qualify for, its time to apply! Because filling out scholarship applications can be tedious and time-consuming, it can be helpful to divide up your time when filling them out. For example, you may want to block out an hour or two of your time to apply for each scholarship on your list. 3. Double down on your schoolwork When you spend so much time on college applications, it can be easy to forget about another major task at hand: your regular schoolwork. To avoid getting off track, it can be helpful to sit down and make an academic plan for the rest of the school year. Create a calendar, adding important assignment due dates and exam dates. Check on your academic progress thus far and ask yourself if you are satisfied with your performance. If youre doing wellscoring highly on your exams and assignmentsyoure probably on the right track. You should continue working with whatever academic study strategies seem to be working well for you. If you feel as though your grades arent where you would like them to be, it may be time to reevaluate: Why arent you scoring where you wanted to on your exams? Why do you feel like you dont have enough time to complete assignments? Perhaps you have too many extracurricular activities on your plate, or youre taking too many advanced courses. If you cant figure out why your grades are slipping, it can be helpful to pay a visit to your guidance counselor. He or she can help you figure out how to turn your academics around. (Also remember that college application season will soon come to a close, and you will be able to return much of that attention to your studies!) 4. Finish and send your applications The final step in the college application process is of course finishing and officially sending in your applications! Before sending them in, double-check to ensure youve filled out each application completely and havent made any mistakes. Taking the extra hour or so to do this is well worth avoiding any potential incomplete or incorrect applications, which could cost youor at the very least, complicateyour admission into college. And there you have it! Youve survived the college application process. When it comes time to choose between those prospective colleges, be sure to check out these tips to make your college decision easier. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at